Saturday, March 31, 2012

Week 15

Baby Matthews is the size of an orange

How far along: 15w 3d
Total weight gain/loss: +3.9lbs
Maternity clothes: some maternity pants, some regular jeans, and my bella band
Stretch marks: so far so good
Sleep: I was away this weekend and didn't sleep very well, but once I was back in my own back I got a great nights sleep
Best moment this week: seeing my best friend at her baby shower...picture of us below
Miss anything? sad I can't have any this year for Easter. I guess I will be having regular O.J. this year
Movement: still waiting....
Food cravings: lots and lots of fruit, satisfied my hibachi craving this past weekend
Anything making you queasy or sick? no
Have you started to show yet? a little belly was popping out a little more this past weekend
Gender prediction: 3 days until we find out...10 until we let everyone else know :-)
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in...not looking forward to my belly button sticking out
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time? Happiest ever
Looking forward to? my 3d/4d ultrasound to determine the gender of the baby on Saturday!!!!

Sherrie & I at her baby shower

Friday, March 23, 2012

14 Weeks

Baby Matthews is the size of a lemon
How far along: 14w 1d
Total weight gain/loss: +2.7lbs
Maternity clothes: a few maternity pants mixed in with my regular shirts...maternity tops are still too big on me
Stretch marks: no, and I am hoping it stays that way
Sleep: It's so nice to have my energy back. No more 8:00PM bedtime.
Best moment this week: booking my 3d/4d ultrasound to find out the gender of the baby
Miss anything? craving sushi, can't wait to go to my favorite hibachi this weekend with my friends
Movement: none still....can't wait for that
Food cravings: still fruit of all kinds, especially Cara Cara oranges
Anything making you queasy or sick? nope
Have you started to show yet? a little belly bump...still feel bloated and fat
Gender prediction: 2 weeks until we can officially find out
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time? Still so very happy
Looking forward to? Leaving today to go to NJ for my best friend's baby shower

Monday, March 19, 2012

Angry Birds

For quite some time my husband was addicted to Angry Birds. Every night after dinner he would be on the lap top playing Angry Birds. For Christmas this year my in-laws sent us matching Angry Birds t-shirts.  I came home this evening surprised to find an Angry Birds hat for the new baby made by my mother in law. It is so super cute. I can't wait to put it on the baby. Now we can all match!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week 13~Second Trimester

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Baby Matthews is the size of a peach

How far along: 13w 5d
Total weight gain/loss: +0.9lbs
Maternity clothes: wore some maternity Capri jeans today! So comfortable
Stretch marks: no, still slathering on the cocoa butter
Sleep: I believe my energy has come back...made it to about 9:45-10 3 nights in a row!
Best moment this week: Realizing I am now in my second trimester
Miss anything? frozen mixed drinks....especially on these super warm weekend nights
Movement: can't wait to feel him/her move
Food cravings: eating lots of fruit and addicted to Naked & Bolthouse Farms fruit smoothies
Anything making you queasy or sick? so glad I haven't had morning sickness
Have you started to show yet? a little belly bump...some days its more prominent than others
Gender prediction: 3 weeks until we can officially find out
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time? Probably the happiest I've ever been
Looking forward to? Traveling to NJ for my best friend's baby shower and seeing all my close friends & family

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week 12

Baby Matthews is the size of a plum
How far along: 12w 5d
Total weight gain/loss: +1.7lbs
Maternity clothes: bought a pair of maternity jeans and LOVING them
Stretch marks: no, still slathering on the cocoa butter
Sleep: sleeping much better, actually stayed up late a few times this week
Best moment this week: surprise ultrasound this week!!!
Miss anything? lunch meat
Movement: still no movement, but the baby was going crazy on the ultrasound screen
Food cravings: nothing out of the ordinary...still like salty things
Anything making you queasy or sick? none thank goodness
Have you started to show yet? a little belly bump
Gender prediction: will find out in a few weeks :)
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? normal belly button still looks weird to me without my ring
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy Happy Happy
Looking forward to? My best friend's baby shower!!! 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Our little squirmer

Today was my second O.B. appointment. My husband was able to come with me this time. The midwife came in said we would hear the baby's heartbeat with the doplar. She was trying super hard to find the heartbeat but the baby was so low in my pelvis that she said this little baby wants to be seen on the ultrasound machine. So off to the ultrasound room we went. I was so nervous that she couldn't find the heartbeat but was relieved when we finally saw the baby on the screen. The baby was flipping around like crazy. The midwife kept telling the baby to stay still so she can get the heartbeat lol. We have a very active little squirmer on our hands. It was so neat to see. I'm glad Josh got to hear the heartbeat and see the baby! 4 more weeks until we get to find out the baby's gender!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Baby Registry

I never knew how many things a baby would need when they come home. Even though I don't know what the gender of the baby is yet, I do know I want to go with the Fisher Price Snugabunny line. They have the cutest rock n play sleeper. bouncer, and swing! I like how they are a soft light tan.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Week 11

Baby Matthews is the size of a lime
How far along: 11w 5d - only 199 more days to go!
Total weight gain/loss: +0.3
Maternity clothes: wearing stretch pants, sweatpants and my old jeans with the belly band
Stretch marks: no, bought some palmers cocoa butter
Sleep: having trouble getting comfortable at night
Best moment this week: my sister in law Jenn came to visit with her bf Henry and 5 puppies they rescued from New Orleans
Miss anything? SUSHI
Movement: none yet...can't wait for that
Food cravings: still drinking tons of water and eating lots of fruit
Anything making you queasy or sick? nothing at all
Have you started to show yet? was told by 3 different friends that I have popped out a little
Gender prediction: I'm still thinking it's going to be a boy
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in....took out my belly button ring out today :-(
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time? I'm extremely happy still. I'm having a great pregnancy so far.
Looking forward to? my next O.B. on Thursday...Josh will get to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time